
The Society Blues in Poetry

34 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi! Thanks for following my blog; I guess I’m a little surprised because there isn’t a whole lot of content in it except for teenage angst. Your poetry is great and I hope to see more of it. 🙂


  2. A poet is back after years of being virtuous instead, Cant you be both ? No. Not in public -Margaret Atwood….
    Thank you for visiting my site.
    Promise was pure , white hot anger….
    I enjoyed reading.


  3. I liked a couple of your posts, but it’s sort of difficult for me to read because I feel a lot of pain. Did you loose someone? Or did you loose yourself for that matter?…


  4. HI! thanks for liking my post
    kinda glad you did because I’m honestly struggling to find fellow writers, dunno why, maybe just looking in the wrong place.
    but…just read a few of your stuff, looks sweet and I’ll be sure to follow up
    cheers mate
    P.S : honestly thought that the John Doe notification i got has some sort of hoax for a second there 😛


          1. just regular blog maintenance and interaction and the sort. I actually dunno how to expect people to start viewing my stuff more, which is why my blogging frequency is pretty haywire 🙂


            1. I have no damn idea. I don’t give much regard to my writing. You can visit other blogs, follow them, like them, that way they’ll get to know about your blog. Honestly, your blog is maintained way better than mine.

              Liked by 1 person

  5. Thanks for the like on my post regarding the moment something moves from the abstract to the concrete, and it is no longer intellectualized to protect you. It has become something written in stone on your heart. Thanks for finding my blog and taking the time to read.


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