People In Places


You see a dead dove on the side-walk,

She’s fading, people around you don’t care.

You see the light collide in shades inside your head,

And then you ask yourself, “Are their eyes

failing them?”

“Or is it just me?”

“Well, they must be blind, for they can’t see what I can see”


You scream at the top of your voice, loud enough

It must shatter their ear drums, but it doesn’t

You think it must be the wind blowing, that no one can feel,

And then you ponder on your cries, “Are their ears

failing them?”

“Or is it just the wind?”

“Well, they must be deaf, for they can’t hear what I can hear.”


You try to find a friend, no one knows you then

They all leave you behind, don’t they?

You try to talk with them, but nothing comes back to you again.

And then you try to reason, “Are their tongues

failing them?”

“Or is it the end that they seek?”

“Well, they must be dumb, for they can’t speak what I can speak.”

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